S. Khaleel Basha*, E. Anjaneyulu1 and G. Sudarsanam2

*S. Khaleel Basha, Department of Botany, Osmania U.G&P.G. College, Kurnool-518001 Email: khaleelbasha24@gmail.com 1Department of Botany, S.V.University,Tirupati (India) 2Department of Botany, S.V. University, Tirupati (India)


Tribal people of India posses knowledge of medicinal plants of their surrounding forest. An ehnobotanical survey was carried out among the Sugali tribals of Yerramalai forest of Eastern Ghats for wound healing herbs during the December 2008 to January 2010. A total of 28 species of ethnomedicianal plants belonging to 27 genera and 22 families were reported with the help of standard questionnaires among the Sugali tribal informants between the age 26-82. The study shows a high degree of ethnobatanical novelty and the use of plants among the Sugali tribals reflects the revival of interest in traditional medicine The herbal medicinal practices adopted by traditional healers to cure of wounds, cuts and burns occurring in tribal pockets are presented in this paper. Traditional use of medicines is recognized as a way to learn about potential future medicines

Key words : Wound healing, Sugali, Ethnomedicinal plants, Yerramalai forest, Kurnool District.

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