*Madhuri Patil, Poonam Kale and Chandrashekhar Murumkar

Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati-413102 (India) *Author for Correspondence : patilmadhuri352@gmail.com


In present investigation attempt have been made toidentify role of secondary metabolites in phylogenetically different traits of weeds like Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb) Miers., Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. and Cassia tora L. in drought prone dry arid region of Maharashtra.The climber species T. cordifolia is most primitive among these three close to Ranunculales showing the highest quantities of terpensand flavonoides. C. tora a common herb and dominant weed belongs to order Rosales it co- ordinates with pathological protection being a leguminaceae member with elevated levels of polyphenols for dispersal of fruit and seeds. In Aristolochia most of the flowers range from blue to deep pink prevailing larger amount of anthocyanins. The various magnitude of lipids peroxidase reflects ageing process within the leaf in these three plants.

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