*T. Tamil Vani, R. Raman, S. Kandasamy and E. Balaji

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar – 608002 (India) *Corresponding author: email: prabavani1998@gmail.com contact:7094560012


A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2021 at a farmer’s field of Vadakadu Village, Alangudi Taluk, Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu to study the effect of micronutrients on the yield and yield parameters of irrigated blackgram (Vigna mungo L.). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The experiment consists of nine treatments viz., T1 - Recommended dose of fertilizer, T2 - RDF + Basal application of zinc chelate @ 500 g ha-1, T3 - RDF+ Foliar application of zinc chelate @ 0.5% on 30 and 45 DAS, T4 - RDF + Basal application of Zinc sulphate @ 10 kg ha-1, T5 - RDF + Foliar application of Zinc sulphate @ 0.2% on 30 and 45 DAS, T6 - RDF + Basal application of Borax @ 5 kg ha-1, T7 - RDF + Basal application of Borax @ 10kg ha-1, T8 -RDF + Basal application of Borax @ 5 kg ha-1 + Foliar application of Zinc chelate @ 0.2% on 30 and 45 DAS and T9 - RDF + Basal application of Borax @ 10 kg ha-1 + Foliar application of Zinc chelate @ 0.5% on 30 and 45 DAS. Among the different soil and foliar application of micronutrients, basal application of borax 10 kg ha-1 with foliar application of Zinc chelate 0.5% on 30 and 45 DAS along with RDF performed higher number yield and yield attributes such as number of pods plant-1 (19.80), number of seeds pod-1 (6.75), seed yield (1312 kg ha-1), haulm yield (2389 kg ha-1) and harvest index (35.44%) than control.

Key words : Soil application, foliar nutrition, zinc chelate, borax, yield

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