Ankita Duttaa**, Swarnali Dasb and Nandini Ghoshb*

aCenntre for Life Sciencies, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore – 721102 (India) bDepartment of Microbiology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore– 721102 (India) *Corresponding author: Dr.Nandini Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology,Vidyasagar University, PaschimMedinipur, 721102. Email: ; Phone number: 7044245246. **Presenting author: Ankita Dutta, Centre of Life Sciences, Vidyasagar University, Paschim Medinipur, 721102 (India) Email id: ; Phone number: 9038150988


The monitoring of plant species of Midnapore town during the post monsoon season revealed that the vegetation cover varies from leaf shedding tree species to herbaceous ground cover and shrubs. These plants shed pollen grains for reproductive purpose that can prove to be potent allergy causing agent affecting human beings. The microscopic study of the pollen grains from various plant species revealed the structural differences and ornamentation which can be utilised for understanding the detailing of pollen adherence. The post-monsoon season marks the onset of cough and cold in many people which is also considered as allergic symptoms. Viral infections during this season change abruptly affects the normal functioning of the body inducing fever, runny nose, etc. these along with allergens enhances the chain effect including rhinitis, watery eyes and respiratory symptoms in atopic patients. This study is aimed to investigate the pollen diversity of Midnapore during post-monsoon season and detailed characterization of the pollen ornamentation pattern.

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