G. Kumara, G. Sharmila Banub*, T. Rajarajanc, G. Sathishkumarc

aDepartment of Biochemistry, Selvamm Arts and Science College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu 637003 (India) bDepartment of Zoology, NKR Government Arts College for Women, Namakkal, Tamilnadu 637001 (India) cSchool of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Tirumalaisamuthram, Tanjavur, Tamilnadu 613402 (India)


The medicinal flora of Palayapalayam, Namakkal District, Tamilnadu, South India (located in the latitude-11o 13’N and Longitude 78o 09’E) is described and 151 plants from 68 angiospermic families have been identified. For each plant, its botanical name, local name, plant parts used and medical properties were described

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