Ambarsih. S1, Inagalhalli. S.S.2, Bagade. N.S3, Suparna. K.4 and Biradar. N.V.5

1Department of Microbiology, 2Department of Zoology, 3Department of chemistry, 4Department of Biotechnology and 5Department of Zoology Karnataka Science College, Dharwad – 580001 (India)


Water is a vital component of our life supports system. It is also one of the most natural resources. Lake is large body usually born due to catastrophes or geological activities occurring in nature. In this study more stress has been given to assess microbiological impurities present in water to create awareness about their effect on health and environment. The water samples were collected as per the APHA standards procedures. The samples were procured from different sampling points of Narendra Lake. The microbiological parameters include TPC, TFC and MPN were analysed in laboratory during different seasons as per the APHA and Aneja standard procedures. The study showed that the TPC and TFC values are varied with seasons. The MPN value of Narendra Lake exceeded the permissible limits and as it is more feacaly contaminated. The stringent conditions are required to make the lake safe to prevent the water borne diseases. The present study recommends that the top most priority should be given to water quality monitoring and innovative technology should be adopted to make water fit for portability after treatment.

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