B.Y. Patil and B.W. Chavre*

Department of Botany, Shikshan Maharshi Dnyandeo Mohekar Mahavidyalaya, Kallam Dist. Osmanabd-413507 (MS) (India) *Department of Botany, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nandgaon-416618 Tal. Nandgaon Dist Nashik (India) E-mail- chavrebhagwat@gmail.com


The indoor air quality is an important factor responsible for the health of human being. The present paper deals with the survey of the air microflora of dwelling houses at Kallam tehsil of Osmanabad District. The analysis of the data of the air-spora revealed the presence of 58 fungal spore types, among these Cladosporium contributed 36.80% followed by Hyphal fragment (7.10%) Alternaria (6.40%), Curvularia (6.00%), Periconia (5.80%). Parthenium pollen and insect parts also contributed in significant proportions. Among the 58 fungal types caught from the air-spora, more than 15 types were known to be potentially allergenic and all are predominated at all the dwelling houses. The biopollutants have been found to be highest in the month of October. This preliminary study clearly demonstrates the utility of surveying aerollergens occurring in the houses of the allergenic patients, and would facilitate the medical practioners in the diagnosis and treatment of allergenic patients.

Key words : Dwelling, Air, Allergen, Fungal spores, Osmanabad, Kallam.

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