C. Sreelatha Kutty* and Sadiya Patel**

*Department of Botany,Govt.Sarojini Naidu Girls P.G. (Auto.) College, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal (India) ** C/o Mr. Amir Patel, Near Petrol Pump, Kulharda, Harda-461331 (India)


The growth and survival of trees under polluted atmosphere alter their morphological and physiological characters. Short phenological cycle was observed in the trees in dusty atmosphere of Harda. The phenological cycle in Dalbergia sissoo and Delonix regia of polluted area was earlier than that of controlled area whereas Cassia siamea growing in both polluted and controlled areas had shown almost same phenological cycle.

Key words : Dusty atmosphere, Morphological, Phenological, Physiological.

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