*Sulekha Joshi and Manisha Sharma

*Department of Botany, Govt. P.G. College, Kota-324001 (India) Department of Zoology, J.D.B. Govt. College, Kota-324001 (India)


An extensive survey of Kota region of Rajasthan with special reference to Jawahar Sagar Sanctuary area was undertaken to document the traditional medicinal plants used for birth control by tribal communities. The uses of herbal contraceptives are well known by the ancient civilization and are still being followed by the tribal population for the purpose of birth control and prevention of pregnancy. Traditional medicinal plants could prove effective in controlling our country’s ever increasing population. The present study highlights 25 plant species that are being used for birth control and abortion by tribal communities including Bhil, Meena and Gujar residing in the Jawahar Sagar Sanctuary area, near Kota, Rajasthan.

Key words : Ethnomedicine, Jawahar Sagar Sanctuary, Abortifacient.

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