Manzoor Ahmad Wani and Tayyab Saify

Department of Botany, Saifia Science College, Bhopal-462 001 (India)


The study was carried out in different parts of Bhopal and 106 plants were identified and collected during the flowering, fruiting and seed developing stages. These plants were classified into three categories: - 1. Trees 2.Shrubs and 3. Herbs and described in relation to their botanical name, family, genus, and species. Out of the 106 plant species, 74 were trees belong to 36 families, 19 were shrubs belong to 13 families and 12 were herbs and grasses belong to 6 families. This study shows great variation in the flora of Bhopal (M.P). Most plant pigments are not stable as herbarium vouchers. Hence the photograph of each plant was captured and attached with specimen. These photographs, combined with herbarium vouchers are critical to the process of verifying the authenticity of the plants.

Key words : Family, Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Herbarium.

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