Taj N. Qureshi and H. S. Rathore

School of Studies in Zoology and Biotechnology Vikram University Ujjain (M.P.)-456001 (India) (Email: drtajnqureshi2009@rediffmail.com)


Present study is undertaken to know whether the temporal synergism of dopamine and serotonin can affect the thyroid–gonad inter- relationship in the female domestic pigeon Columba livia domestica. The thyroidectomised groups of birds receiving neurotransmitter precursor drugs (dopamine and serotonin) at 12 hr interval showed inhibitory responses in special reference to body weight, crop gland weight and plasma prolactin level. The results show significantly reduction in comparison to control at the level of P<0.05. it is noticed that the administration of dopamine and serotonin at 12 hr phase relationship as well as hyperthyroidism inhibit the neuroendocrinegonadal axis and body growth in Columba livia domestica. Possibly inverse thyroid – gonad relationship in this species may be related to seasonal changes in phase relationship between daily rhythm in serotonergic and dopaminergic activity of the central nervous system.

Key words : serotonin, dopamine, thyroid, gonad, pigeon.

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