Hossein R. Nezhad1 and Nasser M. Shahri2

1Department of Biology, Shirvan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan, Khorassan (Iran) 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad (Iran)


The inheritance of dermatoglyphics has been examined for a long time. There is a plenty of evidence provided by different researchers showing inheritance of several dermatoglyphic traits. In this study, 184 samples (48 households) were examined. These samples included Kurdish tribes residing in Northern Khorasan Province. In this method, the palms (of the subjects) were mixed with printing ink placed on a paper with a revolving cylinder moving forwards. After that, the similarities between dermatoglyphics (a–b line) of parents and children were explained using correlation coefficient (index of coefficient) and Index R. The similarity between the palms of parents and children were explained in this study. Considering the similarity of dermatoglyphic traits (a–b) between parents and children, the inheritance of dermatoglyphics among Kurdish Tribes in Northern Khorassan Province can be documented.

Key words : Dermatoglyphic traits, Kurdish tribes, Index of Coefficient.

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