Mukta Shrivastava

Department of Botany, Govt. M.L.B Girl’s P.G. (Auto) College, Bhopal-462008 (India)


The seasonal changes of plants in relation to various phases of their life cycle are termed as phenological events. Thus, the leafing flowering, fruiting, leafing fall and fruit fall etc., of plant in relation to the climatic conditions are some aspects of these studies. Phenological changes occurring in the surrounding flora have often attracted man’s attention and very frequently agricultural practices have been correlated with these phenomena. Detailed and objective studies of phenology, particularly in the case of forest trees have been initiated. The phenology of the forest tree species came to be appreciated with the gradual development of the science of forestry and botany. The phenological studies are also useful in determining the character of forest floor composed of different species. Present study deals with the leafing and leaf fall behaviour of some forest tree species in relation to the time period and seasonal changes.

Key words : Leafing and leaf fall, tree species, Seasonal Changes, Phenology.

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