Dinesh Kumar, P. C. Agrawal, Dhan Devi Mishra and Vikash Singh

Department of Zoology, D.S. College, Aligarh 202001 (India) E mail: dineshzookumar4@gmail.com


To study the contraceptive effect of the aqueous extract of flowers of Hibiscus rosa sinensis Corr. in male albino rats. Rats were fed aqueous extract of flowers of Hibiscus rosa sinesis (L.) for 30 days (200mg /Kg body wt/day) A reduction in sperm count and motility was observed in treated rats. Reduced fertility due to decreased sperm count and sperm motility was observed.

Key words : Hibisuss rosa sinensis Corr. flower, sperm count, sperm motility, spermatozoa.

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