Manoj Kumar* and Gajendra Pal Singh

Algal Biotechnology laboratory Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302004, Rajasthan (India) *Corresponding E-mail:


The study of Phytoplanktons is the subject of great interest because of their vital role as primary producers in any aquatic ecosystem. Phytoplankton are assemblages of heterogeneous microscopic algae forms whose movement is more or less dependent upon water currents. The present study was undertaken to explore the diversity and ecology of diatom flora of Hanumangarh district. The composition of diatom was investigated in river, canal, dam and pond of Hanumangarh district. Planktonic algae communities, with total of 32 diatom species belonging to Bacillariophyceae were identified through light microscope analysis and comparison with known monograph and atlas of diatoms. The most diverse genera were Gomphonima (5 spp. 1 var.), Cymbella (4 spp.), Fragilaria (3 spp.1 var.) and Nitzschia (3 spp.). All these taxa are recorded first time from the Hanumangarh district.

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