Vishnukant Tiwari

Department of Botany, Govt. Nehru P.G. College, Burhar -484 110 (India)


Andrographis paniculata Nees is an herbaceous plant which is commonly known as “King of Bitters” and belongs to the family Acanthaceae. The plant is commonly used by the local people for the treatment of common cold, liver disorders and some skin diseases. The aerial parts of the plant were screened for their phytochemical properties. Result of the phytochemical screening showed that it is a store house of phytochemicals such as Alkaloid, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpendoids, protein, Sugar, Gum, quinones which have bioactive properties.Among the compounds present in the plant, the main ingredient is andrographoloide which has antioxidant activity and also effective in many human diseases.

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