Pollen morphological study of some selected Indian taxa of Rosaceae
Asok Ghosh* and Ishita Saha**
*UGC-CAS Department of Botany, the University of Burdwan, Golapbag-713104, West Bengal, (India) E-mail: asokcarex@rediffmail.com, asokcarex@gmail.com ** Post Graduate Department of Botany, Darjeeling Govt. College, Darjeeling (W.B.). PIN-734101 (India)
In present study pollen morphology of 24 taxa from 12 genera of the family Rosaceae were investigated by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Light Microscope (LM). Except the surface ornamentation the pollen data supports the general classification. Based on surface ornamentation three general types (A, B and C) were recorded, i.e. striae, perforate-reticulate and granulate-microscabrate. The striae ornamentations were again categorized into six subtypes on the basis of arrangement of muri and perforations along with structure of the muri. Type A includes Striae: I. Faint to striae-found in Cotonester sp., Eriobotrya elliptica etc.; II. Distinct striae found in Fragaria daltoniana; III. Striato-reticulate found in Rosa sp., Fragaria sp.; IV. Irregular striaefound in Potentilla kleiniana, Potentilla fulgens, Potentilla atrosanguinea; V. Regular striae-found in Pyracantha crenulata, Rubus paniculatus and VI.Y-shaped striae-recorded in Rubus hypargyrus, while type B represents Perforate-reticulate: as recorded in Rubus acuminatus, Rubus ellipticus and Rubus lineatus, and C type exhibits granulatemicroscabrate features observed in Rosa sp., Ribes sp., Pyrus sp., and Pyrus sikkimensis.