Effect of various pre-treatments for breaking the dormancy of Nigella sativa Linn.
Mudasir Qadir and Fatima Khan*
Department of Botany Govt. College of Science and Commerce Benazeer, Bhopal-462003 (India)
In the present investigation, seeds of Nigella sativa were subjected to various treatments to achieve early germination by breaking dormancy. The highest germination percentage for N. sativa seeds (93%) was achieved with pre-soaking treatment for 6 hours. It was followed by 84% with IAA. The seeds kept as control germinated to the tune of 59%. The scarified and GA3 treated seeds exhibited 55% germination each, whereas thiourea, H2SO4 and hot water treated seeds showed 45% germination each. The stratified seeds, those subjected to alternate high and low temperature, KNO3, mechanically injured and those subjected to electric current, coumarin and brassinolide showed 46%, 42%, 33%, 51% , 31%, 31% and 75% germination respectively. Thus, for achieving higher germination percentage of N. sativa, pre-soaking of the seeds for 6 hours is the best option.