Bhagwat W. Chavre

Department of Botany, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Nandgaon-423106 (India) E- Mail-


Cadaba fruticosa commonly called as ‘Kalitaka” or ‘Indian Cadaba’ belongs to family Capparidaceaeis a frequent plant found in deciduous forests of Maharashtra and in the tropical region of Indian sub-continent. The different medicinal uses of the plant are appreciated by Siddha. It is noted that the leaves and roots of the plant are used to cure some urinary complaints. Also it is recommended on, infestation, swelling, Eczema, constipation, gonorrhea and to cure such an other ailments. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also declared the importance of such medicinal plants for public health care in developing nations. It is evident that, plant shows, anti-diabetic, anti-pyretic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, cyto-toxic and so many important activities which will be applicable for the invention of novel drugs from the plant.

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