Tufail ur Rehman and Nazir Ahmad Najar

Department of environmental Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior-474011 (India) tufailrehman455@gmail.com, Nazirnajar45@gmail.com


The research experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different substrates on the growth and yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida) to find out the best alternative substrates that support the growth of oyster mushroom, produces the maximum yield with highest biological efficiency and nutritional contents. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of different substrates on the performance of Pleurotus florida mushroom. The wheat straw and saw dust substrates were used to determine the growth of oyster mushrrom pleurotus florida. The minimum time taken for mycelium run (10 days) was in wheat straw and maximum was observed in saw dust (12 days). The maximum time from primordial stage to harvesting stage was recorded in saw dust (18 days) and minimum time from primordial stage to harvesting stage was recorded in wheat dust (16 days). Maximum yield was obtained on wheat straw (1570 gms) with highest biological efficiency (91 %) and minimum yield was observed on saw dust (570 gms). Therefore, it can be concluded that wheat straw substrates individual as well as in combination proved to be best for cultivation of P. florida.

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