H.M. Ashashree*

Department of Zoology, Sahyadri Science College, Shivamogga-577203 (India)


The present observation deals with the ground water quality in relation to health risks in Shivamogga taluk of Karnataka. pH values found to be 6.8 to 8.9. The values of electrical conductivity ranged 100 μmhos/cm to 1750 μmhos/cm. TDS values from 99 mg/L to 1010 mg/L Total hardness varied from 90 mg/L to 830 mg/. While, calcium values ranged from 82 mg/L to 450 mg/and magnesium values from 10.4 mg/ L to 190 mg/L. Chloride values fluctuated from 40 mg/L to 780 mg/ L. Total alkalinity values deviated from 123 mg/L to 775 mg/L. Fluoride values varied from 0.5 mg/L to 1.8 mg/L. The groundwater of Shivamogga taluk had many threats such as anthropogenic activities, deterioration by agricultural activities and over exploitation and also of continuous drought circumstance. The consequences of all the findings are discussed in info which reflect the existing reputation of the groundwater high-quality of the studied place. Groundwater is extraordinarily important to the destiny economic system and boom of rural India. If the resource is to remain available as high exceptional water for destiny generation it’s miles important to guard from feasible infection. Hence, it is recommended that suitable water quality management is essential to avoid any in addition contamination.

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