Nagaraj Parisara*

Department of Environmental Science, Sahyadri Science College, Shivamogga-577203 (India)


In this study, a total of 19 bird species are identified in the 4 villages pond, namely Gowdan kere, Kavvalli kere, Pumpas kere, Halsuru kere, There are 6 migratory bird, Endangered birds 3, hoIver species diversity was not uniform across the study area the high disparity in species counts from 3 areas could be an effect of both habitat differences and heterogeneity and inconsistent sampling effort. Identified species namely squacco heron, purple heron, Indian pond heron, little egret, Ibis, Great egret, Grey heron, Great cormorant, lesser whistling duck, Australian swamp hen, grey headed swamp hen, goose bid black petrel, mallard, etc.. These four study sites presently face relatively small amount of Anthropogenic pressure from surrounding settlement because of low human density, large portion of study area , the local people dislike it as it does not support any cattle palatable plants which restrict them from grazing in these areas.

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