D. Mounika ** U. Sangeetha** and G. Sireesha*

*Department of Home Science, SPMVV, Tirupati-517502 (India) Gmail: sireeshaguttapalam@gmail.com Gmail: lukky.mouni@gamil.com *Corresponding Author and Assistant Professor *Assisstant Professor **Research Scholars


Millets are called super foods because of the numerous health benefits they have more nutrients phytochemicals and anti-nutrients it should be required for maintaining a good health and to assess the nutritional and phytochemical analysis of millets and selected millet products. Millets were purchased from Tirupati, Chittoor District, and Andhra Pradesh in January month 2022. The selected millet products were developed under laboratory conditions with standard protocol it includes standardization of the products, sensory evaluation nutrient analysis and phytochemical estimations of the millets and millet products. The aqueous extract of the eight millets i.e. Jowar, Korralu, Ragi, Bajra, Udalu, Arikalu, Varigalu and Samalu were selected for qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis. The results showed that selected millets and millet products have a good phytochemical and nutrient composition. Highest flavonoid contents were observed in foxtail millet (7.808 mg/g) and high alkaloids was present in barnyard millet (2.149mg/g) and least in finger millet (0.058mg/g). In the present study all the selected millets and millet products showed the presence of phytochemicals flavonoids, saponins, tannins such as phenols, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids and terpenoids are not directly involved in maintenance of body health but play major role in curing chronic diseases. The food products developed by millet products nourish the body and prevent different diseases like diabetes, CVD, cancer, inflammation, gastric and other disorders.

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