S. Rachanya, D. Elayaraja*, S. Sathiyamurthi and R. Kamaleshwaran

1Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar- 608 002 (India) *Corresponding Author E-mail: md.elayaraja@yahoo.in


It is now established that micronutrient deficiency is the prime factor responsible for that low productivity of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in coastal areas. Hence, inclusion of micronutrient fertilizer in the fertilization programme becomes an imperative need to improve the yield of crops. It is more vivid that applications of micronutrients fertilization along with fortified organic manure sustain soil health and crop productivity in coastal saline soil. Coastal areas in particular are endowed with a variety of natural resources and a wide variety of organic wastes which can be effectively recycled for sustaining soil fertility and productivity of crops. The organic manures incorporation in coastal sandy loam soil has multidimensional effect in improving all the soil related constraints. It improves the physical, chemical and biological environment of soil. Therefore, the present investigation was carried out to study the effect of micronutrients (Zn and Mn) fortified organics on the soil properties and yield of sesame in coastal soil. A field experiment was conducted in the farmer’s field at Perampattu coastal village, near Chidambaram in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, during March–June, 2021 using sesame variety TMV 4 as test crop. The experimental soil was sandy loam in texture and taxonomically classified as Typic ustifluvent with pH-8.41, EC-4.11 dSm-1 and analysed low status of soil organic carbon (2.27 g kg-1). The soil analysed low in alkaline KMnO4–N (139.50 kg ha-1), Olsen-P (9.30 kg ha-1) and medium in NH4OAc-K (162.31 kg ha-1). The available Zn (DTPA extractable Zn) content (0.71 mg kg-1) was also low in soil. The results of the field experiment clearly indicated that application of micronutrients (Zn + Mn) fortified organics + micronutrients either through soil or foliage along with recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) and PPFM through foliage significantly and positively increased the growth, yield, quality and nutrient uptake by sesame. Addition of micronutrients like Zn and Mn either through chemical fertilizer or Zn and Mn fortified organic manures along with recommended dose of fertilizer recorded best response in respect of yield and nutrient uptake by sesame. From the results of the present investigation, it was concluded that the combined application of recommended dose of NPK + micronutrients (Zn and Mn) fortified composted coirpith (MNFCCP) @ 6.25 t ha-1 through soil application and foliar spray of ZnSO4 + MnSO4 @ 0.5 per cent and pink pigmented methylotrophic bacteria (PPFM) @ 1.0 per cent twice at pre flowering stage and at flowering stage established as the best treatment combination to realize the highest yield and nutrient uptake by sesame cultivation in coastal saline soil.

Key words : Sesame, Micronutrient fertilization, Fortified organic manures. Nutrients uptake Coastal saline soil, Typic ustifluvent

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