Satnam Singh Sohal*

Department of Botany, Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Parel, Mumbai-400012 (India)


Soil in any type of terrestrial habitat, may be in agricultural fields, Forest land, grasslands, mangrove vegetation, deserts or sea beds is a living system & soil health in terms of soil quality& fertility results from physical properties, organic matter and the effective role of soil microorganisms which includes large species of bacteria and soil mycoflora. Soil fungi are very important as they are concerned with maintaining the soil parameters for healthy growth of forest trees. Fungi are the most common inhabitant of soil in the forests, decomposing leaves, branches, fruit pods by producing a wide variety of extracellular enzymes & can decompose dead organic matter into biomass & maintains nutrient balance.

Key words : Forest soil, Mycoflora, Soil fungi, Biological role, Seasonal variation

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