* M. G. Sreemathi, A. Karthikeyan and S. Babu

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002 (India) *Corresponding author: Sreemathi M.G (M.Sc. Scholar), Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002 (India) e.mail: sreemathi3028@gmail.com contact: 7695829965


The field experiment was conducted in a farmer’s field at salangapalayam village, Bhavani block of Erode district to study the effect of integrated nutrient management practices for yield maximization in irrigated transplanted ragi. The experimental plots were laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with nine treatments and three replications. Among the various treatments implemented in this study, application of 100% RDF (60:30:30 kg of NPK ha-1) + Soil application of Micronutrient mixture @12.5 kg ha-1 (T3) significantly recorded higher number of earheads m-2 (114.02), length of earhead (8.75) (cm), number of fingers earhead-1 (11.210), grain yield (3660 kg ha-1), straw yield (5617.72 kg ha-1) and economics (BCR : 2.37). Hence, treatment T3 enhances the productivity of irrigated transplanted ragi through integrated nutrient management practices with which it earns profitability for ragi growing farming community.

Key words : Ragi, integrated nutrient management practices, yield, economics

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