Varsha M. Chaudhari

Department of Microbiology, PSGVPM’s S.I. Patil Arts, G.B.Patel Science and STCO-OP KVS Commerce College, Tal-Shahada, Dist- Nandurbar - 425 409 (India) Author for Correspondence email :


An increase in World’s population causes an increase in the demand for food. To fulfill the increasing demand, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural sectors causes rapid and healthy growth of plants with soil pollution and environmental toxicity. Synthetic fertilizers mainly nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous are important micronutrients for plant growth but they cause severe health hazards. Applications of Bio-inoculants are the best alternatives for today’s agronomy. In the present study, correlative applications of chemical fertilizers with bio-inoculants were studied on the growth and yield of Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal. The seeds of Vigna aconitifolia were treated with bio-inoculants separately and in combination along with chemical fertilizer urea. Data obtained revealed that seeds treated with bio-inoculants showed a significant increase in the morphological properties of plants as compared to seeds coated with chemical fertilizer and untreated seeds.

Key words : Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal, Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Synthetic fertilizer, Growth, ANOVA

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