aB. Aswini, aP. Sivagurunathan, aS. Sowndarya, aV. Sumathi, bL. Vennila, cS. Vivekanandhan and a*C. Uma

aDepartment of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608002 (India) bDepartment of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608002 (India) cDepartment of Microbiology, K.S.R. College of Arts and Science For Women, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu-637215 (India)


The review paper focuses on current and updated knowledge till 2021, of the precious plant Maranta arundinacea L. which is grown widely across the globe. It is a neglected plant that was used mainly as fodder and has not been used to its full potential, it has recently gained popularity because of its various phytochemical applications. The plant extract from its rhizome can be used as an alternative for starch, baby weaning food and patients with intestinal disorders due to its increased digestibility and pharmaceutical industry because of its potent phytochemical compounds. The review focusses on the characterization, phytochemical analysis, pharmacological importance of Maranta arundinacea. The presence of phenols, tannins, sterols, flavonoids etc. make the plant a medically important. The review focusses on medical application of plant rhizome, leaves and starch isolated. It highlights the characterization which will help in the authentication of plant. The review brings about the different researches done on the plant mainly their pharmaceutical applications which will bring light to its characterization and ethnopharmacological importance of the plant species maranta which was done in many localized areas with different parameters. The review gives concrete evidence of the importance of plant and bring the plant in the limelight. The characterization helps in

Key words : Maranta arundinacea, Arrowroot, Phytochemical analysis, Physicochemical analysis, Pharmacognostic standardization, pharmacological analysis

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