1S. Rajaguru and T. Kalidasan2

Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002,Tamil Nadu (India) Email:rajaext20@gmail.com


The investigation was carried out in three districts of Tamilnadu state with 300 PMKSY beneficiaries practicing drip irrigation system. The three districts were selected purposively as they had highest area comes under drip irrigation system of PMKSY scheme. Majority of the PMKSY beneficiaries had medium level of knowledge (58.00 per cent) on drip irrigation technology. The practices viz, subsidy and cost (87.67 per cent), water use efficiency (83.67 per cent) and features of drip irrigation system (74.83 per cent) were found with more mean percentage scores. Whereas, the mean scores for components of drip irrigation system (45.23 per cent) and operation and maintenance (43.55 per cent) were formed to be below fifty per cent. The characteristics viz, age (X1), educational status (X2), farm size (X4), farming experience (X5), annual income (X6), extension agency contact (X7), risk orientation (X12), scientific orientation (X13), innovativeness (X15) and subsidy orientation (X16) were found to have positive and significant relationship with knowledge level of PMKSY beneficiaries.

Key words : Knowledge, Drip irrigation technology, PMKSY scheme, Water use efficiency

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