Deepa Bhambani and S. L. Sharma

Department of Zoology, Govt. R R College, Alwar-301001 (India) Corresponding Author : E-Mail : Mob.: 7229985389


With the advancement of medical facilities waste generation has also increased leaps and bounds. 2.4 billion tons of BMW is produced annually worldwide; which needs to be sustainably managed as it poses a dual crisis on public health and environment. The worst way to deal with any kind of waste is its disposal. No doubt BMW generation cannot be stopped but HCF’s should frame their strategies scientifically and opt for greener alternatives wherever possible. Effective BMW M involves a hierarchy which includes pollution prevention (P2) strategies,waste minimization, reuse, recycle, recovery, treatment and disposal with P2 being the most desirable preference and disposal the least. Waste management is a technical practice which focuses on processing of waste after it is created therefore it is mandatory to have a critical knowledge of the production of waste at the source and then it requires concentrating on reuse, recycling and waste to energy conversion for which a detailed insight into the composition of waste generated is required. Thus scientific and significant amount of aptitude, time and resources are required for BMW M. This article deals with the sustainable management of BMW based on the principles of waste reduction, waste segregation and waste recycle Key words : BMW, Sustainable BMW M, Waste reduction, Waste segregation and waste recycling.Abbreviations - BMW - Bio Medical Waste, BMW M- Bio Medical Waste Management, CBWTF’s - Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities, CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board , HCF’s - Health Care Facilities, MoEFCC -Ministry of environment forest and climate change.

Key words : BMW, Sustainable BMW M, Waste reduction, Waste segregation and waste recycling.

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