A comprehensive review on therapeutic value of Cassia auriculata L.
S. Jeevitha and *R. Anandan
*Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002 (India) *Author for correspondence: R. Anandan, Contact- +91 9626331366 E-mail: bioanandan@gmail.com
Tanner’s cassia (Cassia auriculata L.) is a medicinally important evergreen shrub widely used to treat various ailments. It has a wide variety of therapeutic potential for the treating diabetes, rheumatism, conjunctivitis, leprosy, ulcer, eye irritation and skin disorders. Literatures survey revealed the various pharmacological values, for instance, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antihyperlipidemic activities. The phytochemical ingredients of C. auriculata possess substantial quantities of flavonoids, phenols, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids, quinines, sugar saponins and steroids. The folk medical practitioners’ indiscriminate reaping of C. auriculata might reduce the natural habitat drastically. Hence, it is important to conserve this species by focusing considering the exploitation this species undergoes as revealed by the published scientific data regard to its ethnobotany, phytoconstituents and pharmacological activities exerted by this species.