1Ashaq Hussain and 2Jahangeer Mohd Reshi

1Department of Islamic Studies, Govt Degree College Pulwama-180001 Kashmir (India) 2Department of Environmental Science, Govt Degree College, Pampore-192121 Kashmir (India) Email: 1jahangeerevs@gmail.com


Islam being a divine message propagates in its originality to make your environment neat and clean by all means. Allah/Creator has designed this universe in its best moulds and certainly is desirous that human beings have to make it more beautiful and more meaningful. It is obvious that a human being is a creation of Allah and takes birth in its beautiful planet which has already been created by Almighty with its wonderful biosphere. The Quran says: From it (earth) We created you and into it We shall send you back and from it We will raise you a second time” (20:55). Prophet (SAW) also says: “Preserve the earth because it is your mother”. One should understand the importance of surrounding environment wherein he lives. This concept needs expansion by all means so that wherever humans live on the surface of globe can take care of it by planting more trees, by making greenery more attractive, more beautiful so that pure oxygen will be inhaled it can help us in the development of mind and body. It has been stressed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that “cleanliness is next Godliness”. Islam thoroughly advocated planting of trees and encouraged people to protect them to the extent that planting of trees is considered as an act of worship. The Holy Prophet said: “Unless you are compelled, do not cut down a tree” Likewise, Islam has equally stressed the animal rights as Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever kills a sparrow without any reason will be questioned by God on the Day of Judgment”. A very eminent scholar, Allama Mohammad TaqiJa‘fari concludes his discussion about animals in this way: “Consideration of whole sources of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) leads to the conclusion that animals must not be killed unless there is a legal permission (by God) like benefiting from them or being safe from their harm. There are adequate reasons for prohibiting hunting animals for fun and one can argue from these reasons for prohibition of killing animals without having a permitting cause”. This inculcates a concept of transforming already designed environment into a clean one. It is often being preached to clean your house day in and day out so that others may get a lesson. It is as such within the roots of Islamic ideology to have a look up of your environment wherein you are living, growing, eating, and cultivating a family structure. Within the dimensions of Qur’anic philosophy humans have been given a clean environment and it is their first and foremost duty not to pollute it by any means. Environment is a broader term, which includes everything not only to keep it free from pollution but to have a holistic view of the space given to him. In the backdrop of these introductory remarks present paper is an attempt to give an objective analysis of environmental ethics in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. It is in this context the present paper has been drafted.

Key words : Environment, Conservation, Religion, Quran, Prophetic Model.

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