1Masarrath Unnisa Sabri and 2Arjun Bapurao Bhosle

School of Earth Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded-431606 (India) Email: bhoslearjunenvisci@gmail.com, masarrathsabri123@gmail.com


The soil quality indicator via physico-chemical analysis shows its status of healthiness as well as pollution occurrence. Soil is a mixture of organic and inorganic matter also minerals, dead and living organisms (organic materials), air and water etc. These all ingredients react with one another in amazing ways and making soil one of our planet’s most dynamic and important natural resources. The study of soil was undertaken as to find out the impact of sugar factory effluents in a surrounding environment of near Purna city. The soil samples were collected in polyethylene bags with all precautions from different locations of the sugar industry areas at Purna city, this area is having good agriculture practices. The study was carried out during year 2019. Initially we planned to analyse the chemical parameters of soil like pH, Soil chlorides, Soil hardness and Soil organic matter was determined in the laboratory. The obtained results were compared with standard prescribed limits of WHO and ISI (10500-91). It was noted that the soil samples were collected from different location of near Purna city were within the permissible limit.

Key words : Soil quality, Industrial effluents, Pollution status.

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