1S. Santhakumar, 2S. Ravichandran, 3R. Venkatraman and 4S. Manimaran

1,2,3Department of Agricultural Economics 4Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002 (India) Correspondence author gmail id – santhakumarsrssk@gmail.com


Traditional paddy and other varieties are frequently farmed by small-scale farmers and triable persons in distant locations because to its strong medicinal potential. Up till 1970, India had almost one lakh different varieties. There are currently only 6000 species of varieties left. All over Tamil Nadu, a number of NGOs and other organisations promoted traditional paddy cultivation. 42000 acres of traditional paddy are cultivated in Tamil Nadu’s delta region. Specifically, for two decades, the Nagapattinam district was chosen with the intention for traditional paddy production. For this investigation, a snowball sampling technique was used. Six villages have been selected for the Nagapattinam district’s Vedharanyam block. Each village had ten samples taken, for a total of 60 samples. The study’s cultivation costs and garret ranking method. 12.4 quintals are the average yield from the study area, and farmers made a net revenue of Rs. 18252.15. Pests and diseases, lower returns, limited farming practices, a delay in processing certifying requests, and a lack of organic inputs are the main issues.

Key words : Traditional Paddy, Problems, Organic Inputs.

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