*Nirbhay Sudhir Pimple, Anurag Dhirendra Shukla and Pooja Vijay Kudale

1Department of Zoology, Abasaheb Garware College Pune-411004 (India) *Corresponding author: nirbhay.pimpale@yahoo.com1


The intestinal length of any organism is directly related to food preferences and during evolution there have been structural changes embedded in the alimentary canal. Request research is being done to understand Relative abdominal length (RGL) of freshwater fish i.e.. Labeo rohita and Channa striata were collected from Sangrun, Pune Maharashtra. It was observed that the correlation between total length, normal length and intestinal length varies according to fish eating habits. Labeo rohita feeding habit shows omnivorous eating habits. There are major differences in the design and functioning of a digestive system in terms of species, habitat, and eating habits of any living organism. Fish feed behavior is a key factor responsible for their nutrition and development, mutations in the environment such as eutrophication and anthropogenic activities affect fish species differently and affect food availability. The eating habits of the Channa striata shows a carnivorous habit. the length of the intestines increases with the total length of the fish. The relative gut length was examined and the total normal length of Labeo rohita was recorded at 26.7 cm, the average length of the gut was 21.6 cm and the average gut length was recorded at 9.9 cm and the average gut length (RGL) was recorded at 0.51 cm. respectively. In Channa striata total recorded length of 41.3 cm, average normal length recorded 36.4cm and average intestinal length recorded 15.8 cm and average intestine length recorded 0.42 cm respectively.

Key words : Relative gut length, comparative study, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, fishery, Channa striata, Labeo rohita.

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