1Jupitora Devi, 1Pritimani Bharali and 2*Sanjib Kalita

1Department of Botany, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014 (India) 2Department of Botany, Moridhal College, Dhemaji-785001 (India) *Corresponding author, Email: ksanjib45@gmail.com


In India, using herbal medicine as a kind of treatment is a popular practice. Since the North Eastern region is rich in such medicinal plants, the local people have intensively investigated it for medical purposes. Sonitpur district is primarily inhabited by Assamese, along with bodo, missing etc. tribes and other religious minorities and they rely on plantbased medicines. In today’s scenario, helminth infection becomes one of the most common infections mainly due to poor sanitation practices. Though, some plants are known to be widely used against helminthiasis, but proper and detailed scientific documentation about the traditional knowledge of these plants and their use against helminthiasis are lacking from the area under this district. Hence, in this present study, a comprehensive document has been prepared about the plant used against helminthiasis by the Assamese and other tribes residing in this area.

Key words : Herbal medicine, Helminthiasis, Sonitpur.

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