1Nirbhay Sudhir Pimple, 2Priyanka Balkrishna Patil and 3Deepika Eknath Walunj

1Department of Zoology, Abasaheb Garware College, Karve Road Pune-411004 (India) 2,3Department of Zoology, Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce Ganeshkhind. Pune-411007 (India) Email: nsp.agc@mespune.in


The sound physiological working of any organism bank on the type of nutrient found in the environment and their use in the growth and well-being of the organism. Observing and identifying food from the stomach allows us to understand about food intake, nutrition and measurement, food availability at a particular time of year. Local food availability determines the health of fish and their reproductive capacity in their natural aquatic system. Food found in the stomach of Osteobrama vigorsii (Sykes, 1839) composed mainly of algae, crustaceans, insect larvae, rotifers, organic matter (rotten Plants) and soil. The fish is omnivorous in diet as per the dietary content analyzed from the alimentary canal. The index of algae preponderance as a dietary component was highest at 3.89 in November and the lowest was 2.89 in April. In rotifers it was the highest at 2.29 in April and the lowest at 1.3 in May. Insects in Osteobrama vigorsii (Sykes, 1839) was very high at 0.34 in April and very low at 0.08 in February. The organic matter index was highest at 5.66 in April and at least 3 in December. Sand and mud particles were recorded at 0.49 in January and a minimum of 0.3 in March.

Key words : Index of preponderance, rotifers, insect larvae, algae, soil.

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