1Jinita J. Gamit and 2J.S. Patel

Department of Botany, The H.N.S.B. Ltd Science College, Himmatnagar, 383001 (India) Email Id: - 1 gamitjinita@gmail.com 2 drjsp97@gmail.com


The aim of the study is to determine the effect of calcium on fluoride consumption in fenugreek. Fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal plant used as simulant, as skin care, for hair care, for weight management, etc. Fluoride is an accumulative poison in plant foliage. It strongly inhibits the process of photosynthesis. Many studies shows that calcium interferes with absorption of fluoride and diminishes its effect. For these, two sets of experiment were done in which fluoride was taken as water pollutant. In first set of experiment different concentration of fluoride was taken. In second set of experiment same concentration as first of experiment was taken but with fluoride calcium was also mixed with it. As a control condition dist. Water and tap water is used. Then seeds were sown in field and manuring and watering was done normally. At the interval of every 14 days growth data were taken up to yield

Key words : Sodium fluoride, calcium chloride, toxicity, removal, growth data, water pollutant

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