1S. Kalaiselvan, 2A.R. Lenin, 3J. Padmanaban and 4K. Dhanasekaran

1*,2,3Department of Horticulture, 4Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002 (India) 1*Corresponding author - Email: kalai4111084@gmail.com


Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of the members of Cucurbitaceae family with diploid chromosome number 2n=2X=24. It is thought to have originated in tropical Africa. The experiment comprises of 33 genotypes of muskmelon collected from various location. During the months of February to May 2022, the plants were raised in three replications with spacing of 3 m x 60 cm using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) at Puthur village, Thalaivasal taluk, Salem district. The result shows, estimates of high PCV and GCV (>20%) were recorded in fruit yield per plant (60.16 & 60.09) followed by seed yield per fruit (41.70 & 41.62), average fruit weight per plant (41.56 & 41.49), seed yield index (39.50 & 39.42) respectively. Highest heritability (>60%) along with high genetic advance as per mean (>20%) were noticed in fruit yield per plant (99.79 & 98.55) followed by average fruit weight per plant (99.66 & 85.32), seed yield index (99.59 & 81.03) and seed yield per fruit (99.58 & 85.55) respectively. It indicates the presences of additive gene action for these characters. Therefore, selection may be effective for these characters

Key words : Genetic variability, Quantitative & qualitative traits, Muskmelon, Seed yield index

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