*1P. Naveen Prasath, 2P. Stalin, 2A. Balasubramanian and 3S. Sathiyamurthi

*1,2Department of Agronomy, and 3Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar- 608 002 (India) Corresponding author: *email - pnaveen2000@gmail.com


The study was conducted during the year 2021 at the experimental farm, Department of Agronomy to Studies on integrated plant nutrient supply system for maximizing the growth and yield of rice {Oryza sativa L.} in SRI method. The experiment was conducted with twelve treatments with different quantities of nitrogen, green manure, pressmud biocompost, goat manure, seaweed extract and phosphate solubilizing bacteria was employed on the rice crop and study was conducted using the variety TRY3. The treatments were replicated thrice, and the field trial was laid out using randomised block design {RBD}. According to the research outcome, among the different treatments, 100% RDN + 25% N as Pressmud biocompost + PSB resulted in higher morphological characters, including plant height {93.07}, leaf area index {3.32}, dry mater production {6576}, number of tillers/hill {18.89} and yield characteristics, including maximum number of tillers/hill {11.15}, grains/panicle {134.81}, and filled grain/panicle {95.72}, grain yield {2634 kg ha-1} and straw yield {4602 kg ha-1} of rice. Multiple parameters in the control treatment scenario indicated lower production and inadequate growth and development. The study revealed that application of 100% RDN + 25% N as Pressmud biocompost + PSB could be considered a better option for achieving the growth and yield attributes of TRY 3 under SRI method.

Key words : Growth and Yield, Pressmud Biocompost, Rice, System of Rice Intensification.

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