*T.C. Pushpa

Department of Zoology, Maharani Cluster University, Palace Road, Bangalore-560001, Karnataka (India)


The present study deals with the documentation of snakes in and around Bhadra reservoir project area of Karnataka during 2021-22. A total of 29 species of snakes belonging to 7 families were reported. Of the total identified species, 19 were non-venomous, 6 were venomous and 4 were mildly-venomous. Among the rare species Ahaetulla pulverulenta, Chrysopeleo ornate and Macropisthodon plumbicolor were reported. The family Colubridae was dominates other families and Indian cobra ,Naja naja is the most rescued snake because peoples believes it as god. Additionally, a lack of awareness of the ecological role that snakes play and a fear of snake bites contributed to the mortality of snakes in residential areas. It is recommended to raise public awareness about the role that snakes play in the ecological food chain and the sustainable use of natural resources. The data presented here can be used as a baseline for determining the status of snakes in the present study area because there are no previous reports available and only few data is available on snakes. Environmental change, human activities and quick natural surroundings corruption have prompted a fast decrease in the number of population of snakes. Subsequently, constant observing of their variety and prosperity is essential.

Key words : Venomous & Non-Venomous snakes, Bhadra reservoir project, Karnataka

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