Economics of production of Turmeric in Erode District of Tamil Nadu
1S. Agalya Rubasri and 2G. Ramanathan
Department of Agricultural Economics Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University-608002 (India)
Turmeric is the major spice crop in India. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of turmeric in the world. Indian turmeric is considered to be best in world market because of its high curcumin content. Erode district is the major producer turmeric in Tamil Nadu. The specific objectives of the study were to find the cost and returns and profitability of the turmeric in Erode district. The sample respondents were randomly selected from the Kodumudi block which accounted for 36.31 per cent of the study area. The results of the study showed that the turmeric production in Erode district was decreased gradually during the study period from 2008-2009 to 2022-2023. The compound growth rate of area under turmeric negatively significant at -6.76 percent, where as production at -7.68 per cent and productivity at -0.99 per cent respectively. The study has shown that per hectare cost of cultivation of turmeric per hectare was Rs.2, 50,082.78. Since it is an annual crop, more manpower is required. The input wise analysis indicated that human labour accounted for major share of 24.19 per cent. Planting material (Rhizome) ia another major cost, which accounted for 21.30 per cent and fertilizers constituted for 6.99 per cent. The result has indicated that the total cost of Production per hectare was Rs.4, 665.72 per quintal in the study area. The average Gross income was Rs.3, 55,904 and Net income was Rs.1, 05,821.22. The Benefit -Cost ratio of the Turmeric farms was 1.42. The study suggests that domestic traders have opted for eNAM portal, the turmeric farmers would get remunerative price for their produce