1K. Rahul, 2C. Prabakar, 3K. Sita Devi and 4Chowdula Shireesha

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608 002 India Email:prvagrieco2023@gmail.com, Contact Number: 8838539211


Despite the fact that the Covid-19 is a global phenomenon that affected the lives, livelihoods and well-being of the entire population, the extent and severity of its effects are different among the population and sectors of the economy. This study aims to analyse the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihood status of rural households and its relationship to various factors using logit analysis. For the collection of required primary data multistage stratified random sampling technique was employed considering Tamilnadu as the universe of the study. Villupuram district was purposively selected as the sample district since this district has the highest rural population in Tamil Nadu as per latest population census. The results revealed that the non-farm sector households were affected more than farm sector households since the farm sector had the privilege of utilizing several exemptions during Covid lockdown. Also, it was observed that the rural households with, diversified sources of income reasonable possession of current assets, less borrowed funds for business/agriculture, less expense on permanent labourers were affected less than other households. Further, among farm households, the farmers who cultivated non-perishables were affected less than who cultivated perishables like vegetables and fruits. The study has highlighted the lessons learnt during Covid-19 and the relevant policy suggestions that could be evolved to get prepared for such future emergencies.

Key words : Covid-19 lockdown, Livelihood, Logit regression

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