¹P. Priyanga and 2D. Vengatesn

Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram-608002 India Email: priyangaphd2020@gmail.com


The vegetable plays a vital role in the daily supplement of food. Frequency of the pesticides spray is higher in the vegetable crops. In order to optimize the use of pesticide and proper PPE usage plant health engineering practices will help to overcome this. The present study was conducted in the Hosur and Kelamangalam blocks of Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu with 300 respondents. A well constructed interview schedule was used to collect data. The findings reported that vegetable growers had medium level of awareness about the plant health engineering practices. But most of the respondent were not awareness about the effect of pesticide on the field. Lack of awareness about the toxicity labels, measuring device for pesticide quantity, recommended chemical for pest and diseases in brinjal and tomato.The agricultural engineering department should be directed to evolve specified nozzles for the various pest and disease should be well educated to the farmers and the applicators. Nozzle type should be well explained to the farmers by conducting the exhibition or demonstration with the help of private agencies. Since most of the farmers and applicators does not service the equipment frequently. It is necessary to service the equipment for effective use.

Key words : Awareness, vegetable crops, plant health engineering, pesticide application.

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