1 Maddila Teja, 2 P. Sudhakar, 2 S. Manimaran and 3 R. Parthasarathi

1,2Department of Agronomy, 3Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002 India Corresponding author Email: sudha.au.in@gmail.com and tejamaddila44@gmail.com


In this study, the main plots used three different types of rice cultivars, namely AU1 GSR (Annamalai University 1 Green super Rice), ADT 46 (Aduthurai), and BPT 5204 (Samba Mahsuri). Five establishment techniques were employed: direct sowing- broadcasting, direct sowing- line sowing, transplantingrecommended spacing, transplanting- wider spacing, and transplanting- SRI planting. The results showed that the SRI approach was more effective than the recommended spacing method regarding plant height, tiller count, and dry matter accumulation. The SRI approach produced higher grain yields than the recommended spacing and wider spacing methods. The critical growth features for all rice varieties included plant height, number of tillers m-2, and dry matter accumulation. Furthermore, yield parameters such as number of productive tillers m-2, number of filled grain panicle-1, grain yield, straw yield, harvest index and economics were evaluated using AU1 GSR.

Key words : AU1 GSR, SRI, Growth and Yield Parameters.

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