Abhilasha Bhagora and *Kanan Saxena

Department of Zoology, Government Meera Girls College, Udaipur-313001 India *E-mail: kananamitsaxena@gmail.com


Parental care is one of the most important behaviour found in animals which ensures the safety of the new born offspring and also increases the chances of survival. Contact calls between mother and offspring are of various types and depend on the conditions they are in. Mother always takes care of its child even when the animals live in a huge group. A mother animal can never forget the vocalization of its offspring and can distinguish the acoustic signals of its own offspring from others. The young ones can also recognize the acoustic signals produced by their mother. Significant researches in the field of motheroffspring sound communication of different animal species published between 2000- 2023 have been cited in this paper. Studies related to the mother-offspring communication may help in understanding the maternal behaviour of different animals and how bioacoustics aid animals to take care of their young ones.

Key words : Acoustic signals, behaviour, communication, mother-offspring, vocalization.

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