*S.P. Venkata Ramana and **P. Naga Lakshmi

Department of Zoology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa – 516005 {India} Corresponding author E-mail: spvramana.butterfly@gmail.com


A major Investigation of beetle faunal diversity and composition was studied in and around Sri Lankamalleswara Reserve Forest, Kadapa, Eastern Ghats of Southern Andhra Pradesh, and India from January to December 2021. Beetles were collected using standard trapping methods from three different sites selected on the basis of their specific habitat differences, identified up to the level of family, and counted monthly. The study presents a record of 35 species belonging to 28 genera under 13 families of the order Coleoptera {Linnaeus, 1758} from Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, India. The families viz. Carabidae {4 genera and 4 species}, Gyrinidae {1 genus and 1 species}, Dytiscidae {1 genus and 2 species}, Geotrupidae {1 genus and 1 species}, Scarabaeidae {9 genera and 10 species}, Buprestidae {1 genus and 4 species}, Coccinellidae {2 genera and 2 species}, Tenebrionidae {3 genera and 3 species}, Chrysomelidae {1 genus and 2 species}, Cerambycidae {1 genus and 3 species}, Curculionidae {2 genus and 2 species}, Meloidae {4 genera and 4 species} and Cetoniidae {1 genus and 1 species}.

Key words : Beetle diversity, Coleoptera, Sri Lankamalleswara Reserve Forest, Kadapa.

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