1Anamika Pandey and 2Debnath Palit

1Department of Conservation Biology, Durgapur Government College, Durgapur– 713214, India Email : pandeyanamika2106@gmail.com 2Principal, Durgapur Government College, Durgapur – 713214 India Email : drdpalit@gmail.com


Air pollution has been a major worldwide concern in the last few decades. One of the six criterion air pollutants that are regularly assessed is PM2.5, or suspended particulate matter. To comprehend the spatial and temporal evolution of the issue in every nation, long-term statistics on air pollution are required. Air pollution damages leaves, causes chlorophyll loss, drops leaves, damages stomata, induces early senescence, and reduces the growth and production of plant species. It also lowers the quantity of photosynthetic activity and membrane permeability. This study provides an overview of the seasonal variations in PM2.5 pollution and its alterations in Bidhannagar, Durgapur, W.B., from 2020 to 2022, along with the effects of PM2.5 pollution on plants. The average annual PM2.5 readings in Durgapur increased significantly between 2020 and 2022. Winter months of December, January, and February {DJF}, autumn months of September, October, and November {SON}, spring months of March, April, and May {MAM}, and monsoon months of June, July, and August {JJA} are when the largest concentrations are observed. An analysis of the effects of PM2.5 on plants using the APTI test revealed that plants like Tamarindus indica and Tectona grandis are more susceptible to PM2.5 pollution than plants like Alstonia scholaris and Albizzia lebbeck.

Key words : : Air Pollution, Suspended particulate matter, Aerosol particles, Spatio – temporal evolution, Covid– 19.

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