V. Balaji, R. Selvakumar and D. Velmurugan

*1,2,3Department of Agricultural Economics, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002 India *Corresponding Author Mail ID: lokeshbalaji27@Gmail.Com


Vegetables are important in human diet. India is the second largest producer of cabbage in the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the growth in area, production, and productivity of cabbage in Tamil Nadu. The study was conducted during 2010-11 to 2021-22. Krishnagiri and Nilgiris districts were selected for the study. The compound growth rate of area, production, and productivity for Tamil Nadu was 7.60%, 10.08% and 2.31% respectively. The compound growth rate of area, production, and productivity for Krishnagiri was 16.83 %, 16.68% and -0.06% respectively. The compound growth rate of area, production, and productivity for Nilgiris was -9.82 %, -3.42% and 7.26 % respectively. The State compound growth rate was positive and increasing for all variables. Krishnagiri had a positive trend the highest compound growth rate for area and production. Nilgiris district had negative trend in area and production.

Key words : compound growth rate, area, production, trend.

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