A study of Hazardous and Non Hazardous Biomedical waste generated in the hospitals of Alwar city, India
*Deepa Bhambhani
Department of Zoology, R.R. Govt College, Alwar-301001 (Idia) Corresponding author email id: nitindeepa@gmail.com, contact 9414223491. Orcid id: 0009-0004-9004-533X
Serious concerns over issues pertaining to bio medical waste management have been vocalized all around the globe in recent years. The first step in any waste management plan is the estimation of the amount of waste generated. Alwar city which is progressing steadily in the health sector thus suffers from the challenges put forward by the increasing amount of waste generated as a byproduct from these developing health care facilities. As such a scientific study on bio medical waste is the need of the hour. For our present study five major multispecialty hospitals of the city were selected. All the selected five hospitals had a well-maintained record of bio medical waste generated, a compulsion as per the BMW rules 2016. So after a written permission biomedical waste generation raw data was sourced from the management of concerned hospitals which was then depicted as kg bed-1 day-1 to be presented in a scientifically acceptable value, next to determine the statistical significance of the chosen two variables i.e. number of patients and beds on the quantity of waste generated,statistical tool ANOVA was applied. The mean biomedical waste generated in 2021 was .79 kg bed-1 day-1, of this hazardous biomedical waste had a mean value of .358 kg bed-1 day-1 and non hazardous waste mean value was .432 kg bed-1 day-1, the ANOVA test gave a P value of .107. The results highlight that in the public hospitals waste management practices are followed more cautiously, because of which the amount of hazardous waste generated was lower than private hospitals, in the statistical test ANOVA the p value (P < 0.05) was observed emphasizing the dependence of waste generation rates on the above chosen variables